Other Books You May Like

We are sharing links to books written by our members and partners that we feel may be a blessing to you! We don’t receive any compensation for including them here, but are sowing seed into their ministries and your lives as well!

Summoned Out of Darkness: An Invitation to Great Intimacy with the Father – by Dr. MB Busch

Summoned Out of Darkness will pierce your heart with the fierceness of the Father’s love for you. MB Busch shares her impacting story — from a life of addiction, full of bumps and bruises, to becoming a “fierce lioness” on fire for God. Then she shares His heart for you, through anointed “Throne Room Words” in which He invites you to experience great intimacy with Him.

It is time for you to stop being pulled into cycles that leave you unfulfilled. Read MB’s book and accept His amazing invitation!

Click the button below to see the book on Amazon, or to learn more about Dr. MB Busch’s ministry, go to www.hohministries.org.

Generous Kids: How to Raise Financially Responsible Children and Open the Storehouses of Heaven – by Marcie Phelps

Are you looking for a resource to help you raise financially responsible, generous kids and leave a legacy money cannot buy? Hear the Father’s heart to bless your kids with His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Fill their faith reservoirs and teach them to draw on the storehouses of heaven. Generous Kids is a practical guide to teach children age four through college and take your own faith to the next level.

Click the button to see her book on Amazon, or you can learn more about Marcie on her Facebook Page.

The Brave Encourager: How the Power of Encouragement Changes the World – by Heidi Mortenson, MA, LMFT

In this broken world, there is still a path to joy. Encouragement is an often overlooked yet powerful tool that allows us to believe in our inherent worth, value, and capacity. It is the shift from I can’t to I will. In a word, encouragement is transformative. The Brave Encourager will show you that the full potential God has given to each of us often goes untapped. But how can we access this precious gold? Whether we have lost hope or are choosing vulnerability, encouragement is the key to helping us through the moments that challenge us. Now is the time to explore experiences that have caused you to put up walls and disconnect, and to learn how to unlock the brave encourager inside of you. By entering into this mindset of unconditional, courageous, and overflowing love, you will learn to believe in your own self-worth and how to encourage others around you. Welcome to the journey of becoming a brave encourager.

“When you create a habit of encouragement, the world is easily changed around you!
Heidi helps you do that practically and efficiently.” ~Mindee Woodward, Speaker and
Author of Uncontainable: Your Greatest Identity Released

You can visit Heidi’s website at https://heidimortensonlmft.com or click button below to view her book on Amazon

Jennifer’s Choice: A Right to Die Story – by Dawn Stilwell

Early in the pandemic of 2020, my youngest sister Jennifer received the diagnosis of Stage IV inflammatory breast cancer at the age of 49. Her family and friends were witness to the depth of her inner strength and determination as she faced a barrage of cancer treatments. There was chemotherapy, surgeries and radiation; each one bringing with it the hopeful goal of helping to beat the cancer into remission.
In the summer of 2021, about 15 months into her cancer journey, it became evident that Jennifer was facing a losing battle. If all that medical science could offer her were treatments that diminished the quality of her life, while doing little to beat back the cancer, she really saw no point in continuing them. She opted for palliative care only, knowing that the cancer would now run its course, unimpeded.
She now faced the likelihood of a awful death in hospice as the cancer wreaked havoc in her body. She chose medical assistance in dying, taking back a modicum of control in a situation where she otherwise had none.
Jennifer’s Choice is the poignant story of the final year and a half of Jennifer’s life, and chronicles not only her experiences, but also those of her family as we supported her to the best of our abilities under the circumstances.

Click button below to view book on Amazon or see all Dawn’s books at www.dawnstilwell.ca.