Our ministry is made up of virtuous women ministering to other virtuous women in order to build them up in the Lord in all areas of life – relationships, marriage, finances, children – and more! The administrators of this ministry have over 100+ combined years serving the Lord, and each has a lifetime of experiences, combined with the Word, that has given them wisdom and grace to help others in their walk with Jesus.


Patty Varsava

Patty Varsava and her husband, Randy, came to the Lord in 1978, and soon thereafter God told her that He was her provider, not her husband. Patty has walked out this revelation from God and is the author of several books that teach women how to trust God for their prosperity. The Varsavas are now ordained ministers whose message is that God wants you well and God wants you rich. They minister to others, teaching them the Word and the godly principles of prosperity.

DR. MB Busch

Dr. MB Busch is the President of Heartbeat of Heaven Ministries and a prophetic voice to the Body of Christ.  MB is known is known for her powerful testimony of how she was delivered from a 30-year battle with alcohol, drugs and bulimia.   MB preaches that King Jesus can summon anyone out of darkness, and her passion is to set the captives free from any form of bondage, and to reveal the love of the Father.

When MB decrees prophetic words from the Father’s heart to His children, their spiritual fig leaves fall away. She not only is a firebrand that has preached all over the world through various forms of media, but she ignites people’s passion for the Lord on a daily basis.

MB studied through the Bethel Supernatural School of Ministry. Redding, CA and The Patricia King Institute. She holds an Honorary Doctorate from Dayspring Theological University. She is married to Jeff and both are certified inner-healing and deliverance counselors through Elijah House.

Currently, they serve as Altar Ministers at Living Word Christian Center. MB is ordained though Patricia King’s Women in Ministry Network (WIMN), where she serves in a regional leadership capacity.

MB, Jeff and their family dog Chloe; make their home in Minneapolis MN.

To book MB to speak at your church, event, or faith-based conference, email her at MB@hohministries.org

Rhonda Kennelly

Rhonda is a Seer and Prophetic Intercessor. She is the mother of 2 and married to Patrick. They reside in the Muskokas in Ontario, Canada. Together, they own an aviation business where they do graphics for airplanes.

Rhonda also works as a disability specialist and is a good friend of Patty’s. She loves Jesus and she works to assist Patty in her ministry wherever her gifts may be of service.

Dawn Stilwell

Dawn is an ordained minister and praise and worship leader. She provides technical support for the ministry. Born again in 1996, Dawn brings over a decade in ministerial experience as well as technical support in web design, copy writing, graphic design and publishing technology. She’s also an author who has a heart for healing the broken hearted.